Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs)

VDFs are cryptographic algorithms designed to take a certain amount of time to complete and can be independently verified. Their resistance to parallelization and deterministic nature makes them useful for various applications, including securing blockchain systems and generating random numbers.

Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) 1Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) 1
Source: Talk by Ben Fisch at BPASE 18, Stanford Cyber Initiative

Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) are a type of computer algorithm that is designed to take a certain amount of time to complete. This time is called the “delay.” VDFs are used in some blockchain systems to help ensure that certain processes, such as verifying transactions, take a certain amount of time to complete.

Imagine that you are playing a game with a timer. The timer is set for a certain amount of time, and you have to wait for it to count down before you can move on to the next part of the game. VDFs work in a similar way, but instead of being used for a game, they are used to help keep a blockchain system secure.

For example, let’s say that a group of people is using a blockchain to keep track of their money. They want to make sure that it is not easy for someone to cheat the system by quickly making a lot of fake transactions. To help prevent this, they use a VDF to make sure that it takes a certain amount of time to verify each transaction. This helps to make it more difficult for someone to cheat the system.

VDFs have several desirable properties that make them attractive for use in a variety of applications. For example, VDFs are resistant to parallelization, meaning that it is difficult to significantly reduce the time taken to compute the function by using multiple computers or processors. This property makes VDFs useful for applications that require a certain amount of time to be taken to complete a process, such as verifying transactions in a blockchain system.

VDFs are also deterministic, meaning that given the same input, the function will always produce the same output. This property makes VDFs useful for applications that require a consistent and reproducible result, such as generating random numbers for use in online gaming.

One example of a mathematical function that is commonly used in VDFs is the iterated hash function. An iterated hash function is a function that takes an input and repeatedly applies a hashing algorithm to the output, producing a series of hash values. The time taken to compute an iterated hash function increases as the number of iterations increases, making it a useful tool for creating VDFs with a specific delay.

Another mathematical concept that is often used in VDFs is the discrete logarithm problem. The discrete logarithm problem involves finding the exponent in a mathematical equation of the form g^x = h, where g and h are known values and x is the unknown exponent. Solving this problem can be computationally difficult, making it a useful tool for creating VDFs with a specific delay.

In short, VDFs are like timers that help keep blockchain systems secure by making certain processes take a certain amount of time to complete.

Here are a few potential applications of Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs):

  1. Cryptocurrency: VDFs can be used in cryptocurrency systems to help secure transactions and prevent fraud. By requiring a certain amount of time to verify each transaction, VDFs can make it more difficult for someone to cheat the system.
  2. Blockchain voting: VDFs could potentially be used in blockchain-based voting systems to help ensure the integrity and security of the voting process. By requiring a certain amount of time to verify each vote, VDFs could help prevent fraud and ensure that the results of an election are accurate.
  3. Supply chain management: VDFs could be used in supply chain management systems to help verify the authenticity and provenance of products. By requiring a certain amount of time to verify each step in the supply chain, VDFs could help ensure that products are not counterfeited or tampered with.
  4. Identity verification: VDFs could be used in identity verification systems to help ensure the security and integrity of personal information. By requiring a certain amount of time to verify identity information, VDFs could help prevent identity fraud and ensure that personal information is kept secure.
  5. Random number generation: VDFs could be used to generate random numbers for use in applications such as online gaming, where randomness is important to ensure fair play. By requiring a certain amount of time to generate each random number, VDFs could help ensure that the numbers are truly random and cannot be predicted by an attacker.

Source: International Association for Cryptologic Research

VDF hardware

VDF hardware refers to specialized hardware devices that are designed specifically to perform Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs).

Source: a16z

VDF hardware is designed to optimize the performance of VDFs by providing dedicated hardware resources specifically for this purpose. This can include specialized processors, memory, and other hardware components that are optimized for performing VDFs.

Using VDF hardware can significantly increase the speed and efficiency of performing VDFs, making them a valuable tool for applications that require a high level of security and performance.

Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) are considered revolutionary because they provide a way to ensure that certain processes take a certain amount of time to complete, and this time can be independently verified. This property is useful in a number of applications where it is important to ensure the security and integrity of a process.

In a blockchain, transactions are verified by a network of computers, and it is important to ensure that transactions are not easily cheated or falsified. By requiring a certain amount of time to verify each transaction, VDFs can make it difficult for someone to cheat the system and increase the overall security of the blockchain.

It is difficult to predict the exact future of Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs), but they are likely to continue to be an important tool for ensuring the security and integrity of certain processes. As these technologies continue to evolve, VDFs will likely play an increasingly important role in ensuring the security and integrity of a wide range of applications.
